• Brian replied to the topic 65 Or Older Testimonials in the forum Testimonial 12 years ago

    Hi Folks now 2012 health wise I have been through a lot since my last post a couple of longer hospital stays and now on dialysis but pleased to say I am out, whilst short and slow, walking again and soon will be leading once again some of the shorter and easy Queensland National Parks Association walks.

    As much as I would dearly love to go…[Read more]

  • Hi GailI now think that I may have the wrong mobile number for Wallace, used to be able to chat to him when his phone was on, been trying for a few weeks now all in vain. Please when he comes in do let him know.ThanksBy the way I think you may have one possibly two starters, in a year or two though, after my recent talk

  • Hi FolksA Foot Note:-Just an update, do not put off what you can do today you never know what is around the corner, there is no way today that my health would allow me to even consider trekking Kokoda again. Last year at 72 we went for a 6 month around Australia camping trip I arrived home to be admitted within 24 hours into the emergency ward of…[Read more]

  • Not worth the time of the day sending Mr Gibson an email he is just jealous that he has not trekked Kokoda himself if he is as good as he thinks he is I challenge him to stroll up along the Kokoda Track if he were to do so he will get as emotional as many if not most of us have done when he experiences just a small taste of what our troops had to…[Read more]

  • Luke I do not know you personally but from one who really did it tough I congratulate you for making the effort and then returning to meet up with your mates at the memorial.Good on you mateBrianPhotograph: Luke (pictured) sitting in our dining room the night he arrived from Popondetta.IMGP2096__640x480_.JPG

  • CONGRATULATIONS TO EVERY ONE OF YOUWish that I was there to shake each one of you by the hand to congratulate you personally and of course enjoy a beer or two with you, Wallace, Brendan and all the boysCurrently in Kalbarri WA will certainly be having an Emu, local beer, for you later in the afternoon.Please say Good Day to both Wallace and…[Read more]

  • Brian replied to the topic Trek 590 – Trek Completed in the forum News 14 years ago

    Hi Kev and TeamBy the time this message gets to you you will be in Kokoda at KTL's Orohaven enjoying a well deserved beer or two with Wallace and the rest of the boys.Congratulations to each and every one of you.How was that experience of walking into Kokoda past the hospital knowing that you have made it and completed the challenge?That moment I…[Read more]

  • Brian replied to the topic Trek 590 – Trek Completed in the forum News 14 years ago

    Not sure who is fiinding it tough but tell them to hang in there and to ask the boys for help they are there waiting I know for the request.Gail what weather are they having dry I hope?June I guess you will read this looks like Kev is going well I bet that he is having a real Ball.We are heading off to Denham tomorrow doubt if we will have…[Read more]

  • Brian replied to the topic Trek 590 – Trek Completed in the forum News 14 years ago

    I am sure having walked with them that the girls will give the fellas a run for thier money you never know one may get in first.As long as they all arrive safely and enjoy the experience that is what really counts rolleyes.gif

  • Brian replied to the topic Trek 590 – Trek Completed in the forum News 14 years ago

    Hi Kevin and TeamOn your way at last I know that with all the dedicated training you have put in that it will now pay off as you are all in for what was for me a life changing expereince.Do enjoy every minute of it, make new freinds with the boys and take many photos.Do say good day to my mates Brendan and Wallace who I owe a lot, true angels as…[Read more]

  • Hi GrahamPrior to Trekking Kokoda we camped at the Caravan Park and I walked Mt Warning to the very top 5 times on five days in a row each time with a 10kgs pack. Whilst walking there is perhaps easier than Kokoda especially on good to reasonable tracks. Providing you do not miss out on the top tough hard 100 meter or so climb it is a good…[Read more]

  • Brian replied to the topic Wayne Urina in the forum News 14 years, 4 months ago

    Gail I do not know Wayne personally we like yourself have children now with grandchildren and know just how sad and hurting we would feel if this was to happen to our family.Please pass on our condolences to Wayne and his family please do let him know that he and the family are in our prayers.I am sure that I speak for all Kokoda Trekkers past,…[Read more]

  • I am sure that KTL will look after you working with you on the payment give Nathan a phone call at thier Gold Coast Office.

  • As far as I am aware there are no trekkers going without a guide even PNG nationals who do not live in this area and have come from another all arrange to have a guide often a family member of friend living in the Kokoda area to guide them.It would in my opinion be utter stupidity to go unguided.You will have to carry your food all the way from…[Read more]

  • Firstly Don't! Take Food with you for the full trek. Water is available take purification tabletsPermits essential available from the authority.Be prepared to pay for some camping spots as every bit of land along the way is owned by someone.What happens and it does if you have accident as you may be several hours trek from the nearest village…[Read more]

  • Brian replied to the topic Backpack in the forum General Discussions 14 years, 5 months ago

    Just for interest you may notice in the photo that Brendan is pointing at the ground very typical of most porters warning me that it was very slippery, we had 7 days rain out of 9, and suggesting that I should follow in his foot steps. I say typical of most porters who really try to take care and watch over you, most take pride in their work.…[Read more]

  • Brian replied to the topic Backpack in the forum General Discussions 14 years, 5 months ago

    Brendan Buka was also my porter. I actually suggested he use the waist strap but he said he was not comfortable using them. He did adjust the shoulder straps to suit himself and I think this was much the same with other porters. To be honest I do not think trek organisers would have much luck in telling the porters how to wear their packs. They…[Read more]

  • Brian replied to the topic Backpack in the forum General Discussions 14 years, 5 months ago

    Talking about weights in packs I have a group of friends who are leaving today to do three tracks in Tasmania one is a 6 day trek for want of a term the two I spoke to are "Professional" walkers. As they are carrying everything including food etc for the six days I asked them what weight their packed ended up.Lyn's is 16kg and John's 18kg both for…[Read more]

  • Brian replied to the topic Backpack in the forum General Discussions 14 years, 5 months ago

    Whilst I guess i agree with all I do though think Rocky is spot on the porters just throw it on seldom using the waist strap. Your Feet and Boots are the most important thing that you will take and need to look after if you have spare cash put it into boots do not skimp on them.I have a mid range pack that was ideal for Kokoda and for the few…[Read more]

  • Hi ArodI have done a couple of good walks in your area that would be excellent training for Kokoda I did these with Ex Kokoda Trekkers that live on the Sunshine Coast both from time to time appear on this forum.I will send one, Alf, an email if he is home asking him look here and give you some advice on walks in your area.I also suggest that you…[Read more]

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