Kokoda Adventure Trek 1196

Kokoda Adventure Trek – Kokoda to Owers’ Corner

Date: 3rd October 2023 – 11th October 2023

Commencing in Kokoda on the 3rd of October and finishing by walking off the track at Owers’ Corner on the 11th of May. Trek 1196

* Please note locations will not present until trek has commenced.


Day 1 – 3rd October : KOKODA – ISURAVA
Day 2 – 4th October : ISURAVA – IORA CREEK
Day 4 – 6th October : TEMPLETON’S CROSSING – 1900
Day 5 – 7th October : 1900 – MENARI
Day 6 – 8th October : MENARI – NAORO
Day 7 – 9th October : NAORO – VA’ULE CREEK
Day 8 – 10th October : UA’ULE CREEK – GOLDIE RIVER
Day 9 – 11th October : OWERS’ CORNER – POM

Update 2nd October 2023

Russell Eroro (KTL) after meeting up with Jeffrey Ellis who flew to Papua New Guinea today 2nd October. Tomorrow he will head over to Popondetta and up to Kokoda for the commencement of his custom made trek.

Update 3rd October 2023

So far all is going well as Jeff is seen here with Skyvan Kila about to head into the boarding lounge at Jackson’s domestic airport for his Air Niugini flight to Popondetta.
Waiting at Guria airport in Popondetta is Clement Harika who travelled down from Kokoda yesterday in readiness to meet Jeff when he touches down today 3rd October, 2023.
Update 7:20: flight just landed at Guria Airport which is good news that it was on time.
Sad though to learn the flight was carrying the casket of a policeman who had been killed at Oro Bay. Apparently lots of people at the airport to show their respects.

Jeff maybe walking on his own as a single trekker, but he is receiving special treatment every step of the way just like a big group. Clement Harika is seen here with Jeff this morning upon his arrival in the Oro Province. As I write this, they are in the Troopcarrier and heading up to Kokoda to the Eroro Family block.

On a bright sunny day Jeff Ellis and his personal porter Deshon Harika leave the Kokoda Station to head to Deneki for the night.
Jeff informed us that he has lived in PNG before years ago in the Milne Bay Province where his son Tom was born. Also Vanuatu.
He has also done quite a few walks and more recently went to Gallipoli. He even surprised us with a bit of pidgin during our short time together at Brisbane airport before he left for PNG.
Thanks to covid for closing us all down, this is the first trek that Deshon has walked on since 2019.
May they all have a great trek.

Trek 1196: Everything went according to plan today which was absolutely great. The group arrived at Deniki around 3:30pm this afternoon and it appears they are sharing with two other trekking groups. Jeff did really well according to Clement. Tomorrow they will head to Isurava Memorial for the night. Jeff is still smiling so thats a good sign is it not? Keep in mind that Jeff is no spring chicken, he is in my age group but look at him, still enjoying an adventure of a lifetime with our KTL boys. Keep smiling Jeff.

A text message from Skyvan (ground support in Port Moresby) five minutes ago: ‘Jeff seems to be happy at every stage when he is meeting all of us along the way’ and I could not agree more.
On the right in this photograph, we have just recognised one of our very own KTL Boys, namely Roland Mambia.
Hi Roland, nice to see you again. Regards to Rolanson and other Kebara boys who have walked with us in the past.

Update 4th October 2023

Trek 1196: Clement called to say they arrived at Isurava Memorial around midday today and have been relaxing during the afternoon and walking around the monument area. Tomorrow the plan is to head to Templeton’s II for the night. According to Clement, Jeff is still smiling heaps and enjoying his time with our KTL Boys specially chosen to accompany him as he makes his way along the Kokoda Trail.

Update 5th October 2023

Trek 1196: Clement just phoned to say they are now at Templeton’s Crossing II and all is ok. Apparently today, a few landslides around Alola area due to the heavy rain which started last night at Isurava Memorial. Eora creek was fast flowing but all was ok and they did not have any problems. Jeff yelled out hi, I asked if he was still smiling due to having got wet today, and the answer was a big yes!

Update 6th October 2023

Trek 1196: The highlight for today was to walk into Myola Lakes which apparently put an even bigger smile on Jeff’s lips. The group are now at Bomber’s Camp for the night. Jeff has been busy taking lots of photographs of plants etc and as I spoke to Clement on the sat phone, he was busy in the background doing just that. Tomorrow, they head to Efogi via Naduri and therefore reach the halfway point. A few showers today but all going well and according to plan.

Update 7th October 2023

Trek 1196: Our trek has now reached Efogi Village and Jeff continues to do well along with our KTL boys. They arrived there around 1:30pm this afternoon when they experienced a short heavy downpour. Tomorrow they will move on further down the track to Agulogo. Think of them as they walk up to Brigade Hill and the emotional experience of a very special place on the Kokoda Trail.

Update 8th October 2023

Trek 1196: Our group have now settled in at Agulogo where they are camped for the night. Jeff was down at the creek relaxing when Clement called me this afternoon. Tomorrow think of them as they walk through Nauro Village before heading to Maguli Range, Ofi Creek and later will stop at Ioribaiwa Village for the night. Everyone continues to do well.

Update 9th October 2023

Trek 1196: Clement sent me several photographs this morning from Maguli Range where they had stopped around 10am for a break after passing through Nauro Village. They later moved off towards Ofi Creek where they will no doubt stop for lunch and to cool off before heading to Ioribaiwa Village for the night. Expected arrival in Ioribaiwa around 3pm.

Update: Clement advised they arrived around 2:30. He mentioned that Jeff at the time he called, was eating some pineapple that Clement bought earlier from Nauro.

Update 10th October 2023

Trek 1196: This trek has now walked off the track and are at Owers’ Cnr. Well done Jeff, congratulations on your successful trek. Thanks to our KTL boys who walked alongside you. when I spoke to Clement, Jeff was having a shower in the ranger’s house, so different from his dips in the creeks he has been having on the Kokoda Trail.

Its presently raining at Owers’ Cnr. and Clement said he will try and send some photographs if it stops, if not, they will be posted tomorrow.

About the Author

By nathan_thomas / Administrator, bbp_keymaster

on Sep 30, 2023

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