Kokoda Adventure Trek 1190

Kokoda Adventure Trek – Kokoda to Owers’ Corner

Date: 9 June 2019 – 18 June 2019

Commencing in Kokoda on the 9th June and finishing by walking off the track at Owers’ Corner on the 18th June Trek 1190.


Day 1 – 9th June : KOKODA – ISURAVA
Day 2 – 10th June : ISURAVA – IORA CREEK
Day 3 – 11th June : EORA CREEK – REST DAY
Day 5 – 13th June : TEMPLETON’S CROSSING – 1900
Day 6 – 14th June : 1900 – MENARI
Day 7 – 15th June : MENARI – NAORO
Day 8 – 16th June : NAORO – VA’ULE CREEK
Day 9 – 17th June : UA’ULE CREEK – GOLDIE RIVER
Day 10 – 18th June : OWERS’ CORNER – POM

Update 7th June 2019

Trek 1190: This morning we met up with Angela Huckauff-Schirmer before she headed off to Port Moresby to commence her 60th Birthday trek. Tomorrow Angela will fly to Popondetta and will be met by Ivan Semie at Girua airport who will take her up to his family home at Saga Village for the night. On the morning of the 9th June, Angela will attend an Anglican church service at Saga. Later in the morning she will commence her walk. She plans to spend a whole day at Eora Creek just relaxing enjoying her 60th Birthday! Angela has walked several times and her arms are testament to that. One medevac off the track with another operator and two successful attempts with Kokoda Trekking. Each time she has had tattooed on her arms a map complete with boys names and so much more. I asked if she had space for another one and she quickly showed me where she planned on putting it, so yes some space still available! One of our porters in Kokoda by the name of Ramsy wanted a guitar. Today Angela carried it to Port Moresby and tomorrow all going well it will reach Saga Village.

Update 8th June 2019

Trek 1190: As I type this message, Angela is slowly making her way up the road from Popondetta to Kokoda. The vehicle a short time ago managed to get bogged somewhere near Kumusi but they are ok now and back on the road heading towards Saga Village in Kokoda. Chris Bauba seen in this photograph is our Port Moresby Manager. He met with Angela yesterday when she arrived from Brisbane and again early this morning for her flight to Popondetta. She said the Gateway Hotel take away breakfast was too much for her so Chris was lucky and got to share some.

Update 9th June 2019

Trek 1190: Today we have on the track one gutsy woman by the name of Angela Huckauff-Schirmer. The first time she walked the Kokoda Trail was with another trekking company and was airlifted off the track. Sometime later she began corresponding with me on facebook and told me her story of unfinished Kokoda business. I told her if she gave us a chance I would put one of our most outstanding porters to walk alongside her by the name of Ivan Semie. She put her trust in me and Kokoda Trekking staff and whilst she did it hard and toughed it out she achieved her dream. Then she came back again same time last year….and today again for her 60th birthday! Angela informed us at Brisbane International Airport last Thursday that she asked some of her closest friends to join her but none of them agreed for various reasons……BUT….she did not know that one friend by the name of Kay Garland from New Zealand had said ‘yes’ but wanted us to keep it a secret. It was hard but after seeing her reaction this morning I hope we achieved this. Kay flew in a day after Angela and early this morning flew into Girua airport in Popondetta. She was met by Wayne Urina Tihimi and other KTL staff and made her way up by road to Kokoda whilst Angela attended church at Saga.


Update 10th June 2019

Trek 1190: Ivan just called to say they have now reached Isurava Village around 2:50pm this afternoon. They will stay there camped for the night and tomorrow will head down to Eora Creek and spend the whole day celebrating Angela’s birthday. Today she struggled a bit but is doing ok. Kay did ok as well.


Update 11th June 2019

Trek 1190: Ivan called earlier today to say they had reached Eora Creek but it would seem Angela has changed her mind. The plan now is not to stop but to move on tomorrow to Dump 1 for the night. She continues to struggle but Kay is powering along.

Update 13th June 2019

Trek 1190: Message from Ivan: ‘All good Bossmeri’ – arrived at the camp yesterday around 3:30pm – Dump 1. Angela is slow on the up hills but Kay is a machine! Today we head to Naduri.


Update 14th June 2019

Trek 1190: Today they find themselves at Brigade Hill for the night and same comments from Ivan. Angela once again feeling the pain of the hills but Kay remains a machine and powering along! They could have pushed on to Menari but a decision was made to stop there for the night. Keep going trek 1190, you have gone past the half way point of Efogi earlier today, well done. Tomorrow they will aim for Agulogo.


Update 15th June 2019

Trek 1190: Instead of Ivan today it was Trevor Jinga who made the phone call. He reported in and confirmed they are now at Agulogo sharing it seems with two other trekking companies. Tomorrow the plan is to head to Ioribaiwa Village for the night. He said no rain whatsoever and that the track is very dry. Earlier today they walked through the village of Menari.


Update 16th June 2019

Trek 1191: As planned the KTL team of trekkers and porters are at Ioribaiwa Village. Tomorrow they head to Goldie River for their last night on the track. According to Ivan it was a tiring day but Kay continues to remain strong and Angela also did well. Excitement will soon kick in knowing they are almost at the finish line and Angela for the 3rd time has successfully walked the Kokoda Trail.


Update 17th June 2019

Trek 1191: Trekkers are perfectly positioned at Goldie River to walk off the track tomorrow and under the archway at Owers’ Corner. Ivan says excitement has set in for all of them as they spend their last night in anticipation of the finish line tomorrow. Its all new for Kay but for Angela she must be so happy to know she has made another successful crossing of the Kokoda Trail. However, before they can jump for joy, they have another hill to climb!


About the Author

By nathan_thomas / Administrator, bbp_keymaster

on Jun 06, 2019