Kokoda Adventure Trek – Kokoda to Owers’ Corner
Date: 7 August 2019 – 15 August 2019
Commencing in Kokoda on the 7th of August and finishing by walking off the track at Owers’ Corner on the 14th of August where you will met and driven back to Port Moresby accommodation Gateway Hotel. On the way you will stop at Bomana War Cemetery – Trek 1176
Day 1 – 7th August : KOKODA – ISURAVA
Day 2 – 8th August : ISURAVA – IORA CREEK
Day 4 – 10th August : TEMPLETON’S CROSSING – 1900
Day 5 – 11th August : 1900 – MENARI
Day 6 – 12th August : MENARI – NAORO
Day 7 – 13th August : NAORO – UA’ULE CREEK
Day 9 – 15th August : TREKKERS DEPART PNG
Update 6th August 2019
Trek 1176: A new trek gets away today when trekkers fly over to Popondetta where they will be met and driven up to Kokoda. The guide for this trek is Christopher Talanoa. Trekkers include: Michael Slattery; Steven and Simon Wimbush; Simon Meager; John Valenta and Gavin Ring. Missing from the photograph below is Gavin as he arrived in PNG last Saturday and made his own way over to Kokoda and will meet up with the others today. All the best guys for a great trek. Other staff on this trek include: Trevor Jinga; David Embo; Oliver Eroro; Harold Hauro; Kingsley Eroro; Steven Powi; Morris Jinga and Boniface Aruo.
Trek 1176 update: It was an early start for the trekkers this morning with a pickup at around 5:00am with a checkin at the airport at 5:20am.
Trekkers boarded the Dash 8 headed for Popondetta at 7:30am as the flight was delayed. The plane touched down in popondetta at 8:00am where they were met by our Kokoda Trekking staff headed for Kokoda.
Having arrived in Kokoda all trekker’s had the opportunity to meet another fellow trekker Gavin Ring who had arranged to fly over earlier to visit some friends in Kokoda and join up with the trek group.
The trek started at around 12:00pm and are making good speed as the head for their first night stop. Will advise further once the guide has phoned in as to where the trek will stop for the night.
Trek 1176 update: The trek arrived at Deniki around 3:00pm where they will spend the first night on track. All trekkers “are in good Shape and happy after the first day” according to our Guide Christopher. Think of them tomorrow as they pass through Isurava and pay respects by visit Isurava monument on the way to Alola.
Update 8th August 2019
Trek 1176 : The trek has now arrived safely at Alola Village for the night.
All trekkers continue to do well. Christopher has advised that all trekkers have been walking together as a group and that all walking speeds are very much the same.
The plan is to move on to TEMPLETON’S CROSSING tomorrow where they will camp for the 3rd night on the Kokoda Track.
Update 10th August 2019
Trek 1176 : Day 3 was a wet one according to Christopher. I was awaiting a satellite phone call to provide an update on exact location and dozed off. My apologies as busy few says!
Christopher sent a couple of messages via satellite phone throughout the day yesterday and said the track was very muddy and wet! He advised that the rain may effect the GPS and yes it had. Hopefully a clearer day for tracking for the 4th day of walking.
“Good morning. Stopped at Eora creek for break n morning tea. Lunch at Templetons n camp at dump 1. So far so good. Trek real muddy but we are going at good speed”
“We just finish lunch n heading off for dump 1 now. Its raining n GPS may not pickup on ur end. GPS on my side is on but weather may not permit transmission.”
Am sure I will hear from Christopher as soon as he can get a message away tomorrow and or phone call and will be able to provide a better update.
Trek 1176: The Trek has moved off from Dump 1 this morning and making a move. This area is a area so possibly harder for our guide to get a phone call or message out so will no doubt give an update throughout the day. The GPS is up and working so the rain must have subsided a little.
Update 12th August 2019
Trek 1176: It has been very wet out on the track yesterday with heavy rain all afternoon and into the evening so our Guide Christopher was unable to give me an update yesterday.
They were planning to reach Naoro yesterday for the night but due to all the rain, Brown River was very high so they decided to camp at Agulogo for the evening.
The have commenced walking again this morning with the plan of camping at Ioribaiwa this evening.
Everyone is in good shape according to Christopher. Despite the rain and muddy conditions everyone is in good spirits both trekkers and Porters.
When walking the Kokoda Track we can experience all types of conditions. We can go a whole trek without any rain or we can find that it rains for most of the trek. All part if the Adventure!!!
Trek 1176: The trek has arrived at Ioribaiwa for the evening.
Christopher rang in this afternoon and advised that all trekkers were ok but very tired as it had been a long days walk.
As mentioned in previous post the track has been very muddy and it would seem that because of all the rain the river crossings are very high. The mud has been very think and Nauro River crossing was chest level deep.
He advised that they have passed a few large trekking group’s so are glad to be in a small more personalised group. Another 2 large groups have been sharing camp sites with them along the way and following in their footsteps.
All continue to do well Christopher advised. As mentioned very tired but still in good spirits.
Tomorrow will be the last day and night our trekkers spend out on the track. The trek will continue to Gold River tomorrow where they will camp prior to walking up to Owers’ Cnr on the morning of the 14th of August. Depending on the weather, track conditions and who is out on the track they may decide to camp at Goodwater but hopefully they will make it all the way to Goldie River.
Update 13th August 2019
Trek 1176: The trek has reached Goldie River for the last night on track!!!
The trekkers were up early today to get ahead of a few big groups to ensure they had a camping ground at Goldie River. A few staff members were sent ahead to help secure this.
It was another wet day and afternoon for our trekkers as they made their way towards to the finish line.
All in good shape and looking forward to completing the Adventure they started 7 days ago.
They arrived at Goldie River around 1:00pm and had a quick swim before the weather set in again for the afternoon.
The plan is for a 7:00am pickup so will mean one last early rise for them as have one last trek through Goldie River & up to Owers’ Cnr where our staff will be waiting.
Trekkers will head back to the Gateway Hotel for a hard earned rest, shower and some relaxation.
Update 14th August 2019
Trek 1176 : Congratulation are in order for Michael Slattery; Steven and Simon Wimbush; Simon Meager; John Valenta and Gavin Ring who have now completed the trek by walking through the archway at Owers’ Corner at roughly 7:00am this morning.
You and your fellow trekkers have just completed your “Kokoda Adventure Trek” that has allowed you to take in the most beautiful scenery along the way. Along the track, you will have climbed and descended more than 10,000 meters. Well done you are now part of an elite group of individuals to have experienced the Kokoda Track.
Christopher rang and advised that all trekkers are happy and well. They are all looking forward to getting back to Port Moresby for a shower!
Whilst the walking part is over the trekker’s still have a few more stops on the way back to POM. The bus will be stopping at Bomana War Cemetery to pay respects.
Photographs of the trek will flow through this afternoon once the camera is back in our office.
Thank you again for choosing “Kokoda Trekking” for your Adventure Of a Lifetime!!!