Kokoda Adventure Trek 1145

Kokoda Adventure Trek – Kokoda to Owers’ Cnr

Date: 5 May 2018 – 12 May 2018

Private Trek – Commencing in Kokoda on the 5th of May and finishing by walking off the track at Owers’ Corner on the 12th of May where you will met and driven back to Port Moresby. On the way you will stop at Bomana War Cemetery – Trek 1145

*Please Note that GPS location points will not show until trek begins


Day 1 – 5th May: KOKODA – ISURAVA
Day 2 – 6th May: ISURAVA – IORA CREEK
Day 5 – 9th May: KAGI – MENARI
Day 6 – 10th May: MENARI – NAURO
Day 7 – 11th May: NAURO – UA-ULE CREEK
Day 8 – 12th May: UA’ULE CREEK – OWERS’ CORNER

5th May 2018

Trek 1145: Trekkers have now reached Alola Village. According to Clement a few showers but track ok. Tomorrow they will head to Dump 1 for the night. Will’s has found the going tough today but the others are all doing really well. Earlier today they stopped at the Isurava Memorial to pay their respects.

Update 6th May 2018

Trek 1145: Trekkers have now reached Alola Village. According to Clement a few showers but track ok. Tomorrow they will head to Dump 1 for the night. Will’s has found the going tough today but the others are all doing really well. Earlier today they stopped at the Isurava Memorial to pay their respects.


Update 8th May 2018

Trek 1145: Trekkers spent last night at the foot of Mt Bellamy. Everyone continues to do well. Today they are making their way to Naduri Village for the night. Will continues to come up the rear but he is doing it at his own pace so good on him. Keep going guys almost at the half way point now. The weather was kind to them yesterday according to Clement their guide.
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Trek 1145: As planned, trekkers are tucked up asleep in Naduri Village for the night. Tomorrow they will make their way to the half way point of Efogi, top up with food flown in earlier this week and then proceed to Menari Village for the night. They will also pass through Brigade Hill tomorrow, one of the most emotional areas of the Kokoda Trail. Clement said they pretty much have the track to themselves!

Update 9th May 2018

Trek 1145 continued their trek today and are now in Menari Village. Will is still toughing it out at the back but is doing just fine. Clement said the last of the team arrived in Menari around 5pm this afternoon. Tomorrow they will head to Nauro Village. A few showers today but not so wet it would seem.

Update 11th May 2018

Trek 1145: per above, this group are at Ua’Ule Creek and should reach Owers’ Cnr around midday tomorrow. I just spoke to Clement and he said trekkers are happy and looking forward to walking under the archway tomorrow.


Update 12th May 2018

Trek 1145: Congratulations to this group as they have just walked off the track at Owers’ Corner and shortly will make their way back into town. Well done guys and also to Clement their guide and our porters who walked alongside them. No doubt a few drinks will be had tonight as they celebrate their walk across the Kokoda Trail. Imagine them earlier today, crossing over Goldie River following by a last climb up to the archway!

About the Author

By nathan_thomas / Administrator, bbp_keymaster

on May 02, 2018

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