Kokoda Adventure Trek 1131

Kokoda Adventure Trek – Owers’ Corner to Kokoda

Date: 3 September 2018 – 11 September 2018

Commencing at Owers’ Corner on the 3rd of September and finishing by walking into Kokoda on the 10th of September where you will overnight. The following day 11th of September you will fly back into Port Moresby – Trek 1131



Day 1 – 3rd September 2018 : Owers’ Corner to Ua’Ule Creek
Day 2 – 4th September 2018 : Ua’Ule Creek to Ofi Creek
Day 3 – 5th September 2018 : Ofi Creek to Agulogo
Day 4 – 6th September 2018 : Agulogo to Efogi
Day 5 – 7th September 2018 : Efogi to 1900
Day 6 – 8th September 2018 : 1900 to Eora Creek
Day 7 – 9th September 2018 : Eora Creek to Isurava Village
Day 8 – 10th September 2018 : Isurava Village to Kokoda
Day 9 – 11th September 2018 : Popondetta to Port Moresby

Update 3rd September 2018

Trek 1131: As I type, this latest group of trekkers have arrived at Owers’ Corner and are about to commence their walk across the track. Trekkers in this group are as follows: Kirby Ansett; Briony Browne; Brendan and Amber Duncan. The guide for this trek is Harold Hauro. Other KTL staff are: Chris Lahai; Lawrence Umbu; Emmanuel Eroro; Ernest Jinga; Kingsley (Kini) Eroro; Solomon Eroro and Brendan Buka.

Trek 1131: This trek got away from Port Moresby around 6:30am this morning and headed out to Bomana War Cemetery. Later they stopped at McDonald’s Corner before being dropped off at the top of Owers’ Cnr. Our staff and trekkers made their way by foot down to the archway area where they prepared and moved off a short time later. Harold called this afternoon to say they had decided to stop at Goodwater rather than push through to Ua’Ule Creek as it looked like rain and the humidity was quite high. Everyone is ok and looking forward to their walk across the track.

Update 4th September 2018

Trek 1131: Harold just called to say they have now reached Ofi Creek. He said it has rained and the track is wet. Tomorrow they plan on heading to Agulogo for the night. Brendan found it hot yesterday and did not adjust too well to the heat but today he was full speed ahead. Earlier today they passed two other trekking companies all heading in the same direction. Picture them walking into Nauro tomorrow after climbing up Maguli Range. Its one of the toughest days that lies ahead of them!

Update 5th September 2018

Trek 1131: This group have now reached Agulogo. Apparently Harold tried to call me but could not get through and called our base in Port Moresby instead. Said they were all ok and tomorrow plan on reaching the half way point of Efogi. Please note: photographs used are from our files, their own photographs will be posted when the trek returns back to Port Moresby.

Update 6th September 2018

Trek 1131: This trek has now reached Efogi Village the half way point. It was pouring rain when Harold was talking to me. He said trekkers continue to do well and are now looking forward to the second half of the track. They had a big walk today from Agulogo, followed by Menari Village, up Brigade Hill and down into Efogi Village

Update 7th September 2018

Trek 1131: Rain set in again today so the group decided to stop at 1900/Myola Junction for the night. Everyone continues to do well, both trekkers and porters. Tomorrow they will head to Eora Creek to spend the night.

Update 8th September 2018

Trek 1131: Harold called to say they reached Eora Creek around 3:30pm this afternoon. He said its still raining and the track is wet. Tomorrow their last night on the track will be at Deniki. Everyone continues to do well. Try and picture them tomorrow walking into the Isurava Memorial area as they make their way off the track.

Update 9th September 2018

Trek 1131: Harold and his team are now at Deniki and will walk off the track tomorrow morning. It rained again today it seems. However, despite the rain, trekkers continue to do well and are looking forward to walking off the track tomorrow.

Update 10th September 2018

Trek 1131: Congratulations are in order as this trek reached Kokoda around 10:30am this morning. After a walk around the Kokoda Museum area, they made their way down to a guesthouse area where they will spend the night before heading back to Port Moresby tomorrow morning. Well done everyone from all of us here at Kokoda Trekking.

About the Author

By nathan_thomas / Administrator, bbp_keymaster

on Aug 27, 2018

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