Ivan Semie

Age: 43+
Place of Residence: Saga Village, a village outside of Kokoda
Number of treks: 80+
Position : Experienced Guide, Personal Porter


A staff member who needs very little introduction is Ivan Semie also from Saga Village. Ivan only commenced with us in 2012 after returning from the Sepik Province where he used to live. I soon learned who Ivan was as trekker after trekker were praising him. In fact other boys started to get jealous. I said to them, look what he is doing and copy him as its obviously working. They must have listened as these days other KTL boys get noticed and trekkers send us nice remarks about them too not just Ivan, Ivan, Ivan, lol.

Ivan completed his Grade 10 in 1995 and is 43 years of age, married with two young children. He thrives walking alongside you all, sharing and learning. He has a fun loving nature which makes him very likeable. I cannot find it but one of the photographs in my library is of a trekker lying on the ground at the Kokoda archway, holding on to his leg with the caption, I wanted to take him home! He somehow has the knack of knowing what you need even before you do yourself.

Often many trekkers come back and walk with us again and ask for Ivan. Last year he was invited to Australia and just loved the experience. Thank you Ivan, you are one of a kind, keep up the good work.


  • Sharing the culture and History
  • Enjoys Trekker Interaction
  • Fluent English and local Pidgin English
  • Shares his knowledge of the Environment
  • Very reliant in outdoor activities