AUSTRALIAN Guided Trek 1134

AUSTRALIAN Guided Trek Owers’ to Kokoda

Date: 24 September 2018 – 1 October 2018

Australian guided trek commencing at Owers’ Corner on the 24th September and finishing in Kokoda on the 30th of September. The following day, 1st of October you will fly back to Port Moresby to end your trek. – Trek 1134 – Guide Pat Vainerere


Day 1 – 24th September: Owers’ Cnr to Goodwater
Day 2 – 25th September: Goodwater to Ofi Creek
Day 3 – 26th September: Ofi Creek to Menari
Day 4 – 27th September: Menari to 1900/Myola Junction
Day 5 – 28th September: 1900 Myola Junction to Eora Creek
Day 6 – 29th September: Eora Creek to Hoi
Day 7 – 30th September: Hoi to Kokoda
Day 8 – 1st October: Kokoda to Port Moresby

Update 22nd September 2018

Trek 1134: This morning we met up with 3 of our next group of trekkers who head out to Owers’ Cnr. on the morning of the 24th and will meet up with our present two treks coming in off the track. No doubt some stories will be shared before each group bid their goodbyes. This morning, Xavier Susai, David Molloy and Jack Guinea all expressed they were looking forward to their trek before boarding their flight to Port Moresby to take on their own Kokoda challenge. Tomorrow will be a rest day for them in Port Moresby before another trekker by the name of Geoffrey Pratt arrives on a flight tomorrow to complete this next group to head off from Owers’ Corner. Tomorrow afternoon they will be driven out to Bomana War Cemetery.

Update 24th September 2018

Trek 1134: I received the photograph below taken at McDonald’s Corner this morning where they stopped briefly on their way to the drop off point of Owers’ Corner. Trekkers in this group include: Geoffrey Pratt; Xavier Susai; David Molloy and Jack Guinea. The group left their hotel around 5:30am. After dropping of this group, the bus will pick up the St Edmunds group and the lone trekker Sarah Phillips and take them back down to Port Moresby where they will freshen up and catch their flight back to Australia this afternoon.

Trek 1134: All trekkers did well today and are now at Ua’Ule Creek. Xavier suffered from Cramps but powered on with the others and is ok. The group arrived at 2:58pm into camp where they are settled for the night. Tomorrow they will head to Nauro Village.

Update 25th September 2018

Trek 1134: Pat just phoned at 9:30pm to say they are all fine with him and Xavier arriving last into Nauro around 6pm tonight. David Molloy led the way it seems and is doing really well along with Geoff and Jack. Xavier took it a bit easier but hey its not a race and he has done well. As they are all feeling it after their big day, Pat has decided to give them a short day tomorrow which will see them stopped at Manari for the night. Well done guys, a big day today!

Update 26th September 2018

Trek 1134: I spoke to both David Molloy and Pat Vainerere this afternoon. David said he is having a great time and loving every minute of it despite the high humidity and the tough climb up Maguli Range yesterday. Seems the whole group are ok and looking forward to the walk up Brigade Hill tomorrow. Seems there are a few other treks on the go so plan a) is to head to Naduri, if full plan b) is to pull up for the night at 1900.

Update 27th September 2018

Trek 1133: I just got off the phone after talking with Pat. Xavier, Ivan and Trevor left ahead of the main group this morning and they all met up at Brigade Hill and once again they moved off ahead of the others. Jack apparently woke up with stomach cramps but came good and is ok. Geoffrey is pushing on with a toe problem. As for David, he had a tough day but is still going strong. Today finds them in Naduri Village. Pat says they have been experiencing hot and humid days. Tomorrow will see them at Templeton’s Crossing. As for Tony, Eddie and Gabriel coming up the rear, tonight finds them at Manari Village.

Update 28th September 2018

Trek 1134: Pat just called a few minutes ago to say they reached Templeton’s Crossing around 3:30 this afternoon. Xavier has continued to head out earlier than the rest with ivan and Trevor and its working out as he is doing well. As for David, poor guy has blisters but still going strong. Jack and Geoff are both ok and as a group they are all looking forward to the finish line of Kokoda. Tomorrow night they will stop at Isurava Village. Picture them tomorrow as they walk through Alola Village and head to Isurava Memorial.

Update 29th September 2018

Trek 1134: Both treks met up with each other today at Isurava Memorial where they had a service. Pat and his team later moved on down to Isurava Village and Tony decided to stay at Isurava Memorial. Pat said it was a big day for them today and he is so proud of his trekkers as they did really well. Unless they change their mind, the plan is to reach Kokoda around 1pm tomorrow afternoon. He said the guys with him are loving their experience which is great news. As for Gabriel, he is looking as fit as when he started two days after the lead group.

Update 30th September 2018

Trek Updates: Congratulations to both groups who walked off the track today and under the archway in Kokoda. Well done to each of you and to our guides and porters for taking such good care of you all. Xavier informed me in Brisbane how much this trek meant to him. David Molloy expressed to me how he set himself a goal of doing something like this. How even some family members doubted him but he was determined to show them he could do it, and look what happened today, David walked off the track. Jack Guinea only joined a few days before he flew to PNG but appeared to be a fit looking guy. Geoffrey I did not meet but am sure as a mate of Xavier’s he might have just liked tagging along to keep him company. As for Gabriel James, what can I say, he did extremely well. Thank you all for choosing Kokoda Trekking to take you across the track.

About the Author

By nathan_thomas / Administrator, bbp_keymaster

on Sep 21, 2018

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