ANZAC at BOMANA – April, 2024

Date: 17 April 2024 – 25 April 2024

This is a Local Historian trek commencing at Owers’ Corner on the 17th April and walking off the Kokoda Trail in Kokoda on the 23rd April where you will overnight as our guests. The following day 24th April you will be flown back to Port Moresby. The following morning 25th April, trekkers will attend Bomana War Cemetery for the dawn service. Trek 1213. Trek Guide: Clement Harika

Please Note: photographs used are stock images from our collection. Trek 1213 photographs will be posted online once available at trek’s end.


Day 1 – 17th April 2024 :  OWERS’ CORNER – UA’ULE CREEK
Day 2 – 18th April 2024 : UA’ULE CREEK – OFI CREEK
Day 3 – 19th April 2024 : OFI CREEK – AGULOGO
Day 4 – 20th April 2024 : AGULOGO to EFOGI
Day 5 – 21st April 2024 :  EFOGI – DUMP ONE
Day 6 – 22nd April 2024 :DUMP ONE – ISURAVA MEMORIAL
Day 7 – 23rd April 2024 : ISURAVA MEMORIAL – KOKODA
Day 8 – 24th April 2024 : KOKODA – POM

Update 17th April 2024

Trek 1213: This trek got away this morning from Owers’ Cnr. and were heading to Ua’Ule Creek for the night. Our GPS shows they made good progress today.

Just before heading off towards Owers’ Cnr. this morning 17th April, 2024.

Clement Harika from Kokoda in the red shirt is their guide. Trekkers are: Timothy Iffla and Demara Milbourne.
Out team of porters are:

Ivan Semie & Gary Juary – personal porters.
Food Porters: Jay Jay Agai; Duggie and Somolon Eroro along with Saul Osara all from the Kokoda area who are now heading back home.

Timothy Iffla and Demara Milbourne seen here at McDonald’s Corner on the morning of the 17th April.

The late Bob McDonald placed this statue outside of their family rubber plantation many years ago in honour of the 39th Battalion. The statue was nick named ‘Fred’. In the past the Kokoda Memorial Foundation guys used to go and paint the statue and rocks but looks like his helmet needs a touch up.

Trek 1213: Clement just phoned to say they had a big day and not long ago reached their destination of Ua’Ule Creek as the track is very muddy and the going is quite slow. Everyone is ok, just taking it slowly as they make their way along the track. A group is ahead of them which is helping to churn up the mud and he said two large groups behind them that stopped at Goodwater for the night. Tomorrow they are heading to Nauro Village.
Earlier today, Goldie River was flooded and they crossed over hanging onto a rope. Seems the adventure has well and truly commenced for our group and others walking the Kokoda Trail in honour of our anzac’s.

Update 18th April 2024

Picture trek 1213 walking through this village tomorrow morning as they make their way up to Nauro Village where they will stop for the night.

Trek 1213: Trekkers have safely arrived at Nauro Village where they will spend the night. Seems the rain is still hanging around as today there was a heavy downpour on the Maguli Range which made it another slow day for our trekkers and team KTL. Tomorrow they are heading to Menari Village. Imagine how they all felt as they walked into Nauro Village after another big day.

Update 19th April 2024

Trek 1213: I have not heard from Clement as yet today but have just checked our GPS and it shows them at 15:10 pm on their way to Naduri where they planned on stopping for the night. Tomorrow, depending on the trekkers fitness, Clement intends to take them into Myola Lakes.

Update 20th April 2024

Trek 1213: Clement just phoned to say they are in Naduri Village, have eaten, sat by a fire and now about to head off to sleep for the night. Everyone is ok and doing well, trekkers and porters alike. Change of plan, Clement made a decision not to go into Myola Lakes and the team will now push on to Dump 1 or even further down to Templeton’s Crossing tomorrow. A highlight of today was Brigade Hill where they stopped to pay their respects before moving off towards Efogi Village.

Update 21st April 2024

Trek 1213: Clement called and advised that they have now reached Templeton’s Crossing and all continue to do well. Its day 5 and trekkers it would seem have bonded really well with our KTL boys. Tonight they share the camp area with two other trekking companies. Our group have decided tomorrow night to stay at Isurava Village for their last night on the Kokoda Trail. Trekkers request was for me to look up who won the AFL match between ‘West Coast’ and ‘Fremantle’. Hope they are West Coast fans otherwise the 105 vs 68 win, will not go over to well. I have just sent a text to Clement’s sat phone so its either good or bad news for them!

Update 22nd April 2024

Trek 1213: Trekkers are now tucked in for their last night on the Kokoda Trail having arrived at Isurava Village around 5:30pm this afternoon. Tomorrow they will make their way down off the mountain and into Kokoda where they will walk under the archway and celebrate the fact they made a successful walk across the track. Keep up the good work KTL boys, you are almost home.

Update 23rd April 2024

Trek 1213: Congratulations are in order as this trek just walked off the Kokoda Trail and under the archway at the Kokoda Station.
Well done to our trekkers and our KTL Team of boys selected to walk with them on this trek.

Trek 1213: In case you are wondering what the trekkers got up to tonight in Kokoda, well besides a home cooked meal, they have been sitting around the ‘Eroro’ Family block enjoying some Oro Province hospitality.
A former trekker way back in 2006 commented that our boys love playing and singing music to which I must have appeared surprised. Later I asked Russell Eroro how many of our KTL boys can play and sing. The reply I got was that there is no TV in Kokoda so at night they often sit around with family members and friends and sing some local songs. Tonight is no different.
It would appear that Demara was given a PNG Meri Blouse/dress as well as a Tapa handbag. Check out the photographs, seen here with Kingsley (Kini’s) wife.

Update 24th April 2024

Demara and Tim waiting at the Popondetta Guria airport for their flight back to Port Moresby. In the middle of them is Ivan Semie who acted as Demara’s personal porter.

Demara and Tim shortly after they touched down in Port Moresby from Popondetta on the morning of the 24th April, 2024 after completing their successful trek across the Kokoda Trail.

Update 25th April 2024

Bomana War Cemetery situated on the outskirts of Port Moresby.
The total number of burials is 3,779.
The 438 unidentified soldiers of the United Kingdom forces were all from the Royal Artillery and captured by the Japanese at the fall of Singapore; they died in captivity and were buried on the island of Ballale in the Solomons.
These men were later re-buried in a temporary war cemetery at Torokina on Bougainville Island before being transferred to their permanent resting place at Port Moresby.

Anzac Day 2024 at Bomana War Cemetery. Photographs, courtesy of Michael Butler.

About the Author

By nathan_thomas / Administrator, bbp_keymaster

on Apr 09, 2024

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