AUSTRALIAN Guided Trek Owers’ to Kokoda
Date: 4 September 2019 – 11 September 2019
Australian guided trek commencing at Owers’ Corner on the 4th of September and finishing in Kokoda on the 10th of September where you will overnight. The following day, 11th of September you will fly back to Port Moresby to end your trek. – Trek 1165 – Guide Pat Vainerere
Day 1 – 4th Spetmber 2019: Owers’ Cnr to Goodwater
Day 2 – 5th Spetmber 2019 Goodwater to Ofi Creek
Day 3 – 6th Spetmber 2019 Ofi Creek to Menari
Day 4 – 7th Spetmber 2019 Menari to 1900/Myola Junction
Day 5 – 8th Spetmber 2019 1900 Myola Junction to Eora Creek
Day 6 – 9th Spetmber 2019 Eora Creek to Hoi
Day 7 – 10th Spetmber 2019 Hoi to Kokoda
Day 8 – 11th Spetmber 2019 Kokoda to Port Moresby
Update 3rd September 2019
All trekkers have arrived safe and sound in Papua New Guinea and are now located at the Gateway Hotel for the evening.
All trekkers sitting around the pool area of hotel for a Briefing led by Pat Vainerere our Guide for this trek.
Trekkers include : Bradley McArthur; Adam Nolland; Bradley Dellaca; Scott Reiken; Phillip Adamcewicz; Raphael Kunzli; Andrew Tanti; Elias Kauiers
Update 4th of September 2019
Trek 1165: This trek got away from Port Moresby bright and early this morning and were at Bomana War Cemetery at 6am.
A short time ago they walked off from Owers’ Corner to head to Ua’Ule Creek for the night. The guide for this trek is Pat Vainerere.
Personal porters are: Wayne Urina Tihima; Ivan Semie; Clement Harika; Ramsy and Vincent Idau; Gary and Gerald Juary & Duggie Eroro. Food Porters are: the trek legend, fastest man on the track in 16:34 minutes, Brendan Buka; Hobert Keke; Oliver Eroro; Boniface Aruo; Morris Jinga; Johnsford Eroro and Cyprian Haera.
Update 4th September 2019
Trek 1165: Pat called to say they all did just fine today and that they reached Ua’Ule Creek around 2pm this afternoon. He said he had to slow them down as they all wanted to bolt ahead. Tomorrow the plan is for a short day to Ofi Creek. Elias who is carrying his own backpack is a ring in as all the others know each other and are friends.
Update 5th September 2019
Trek 1165: Pat called to say they were at Ofi Creek and the boys were in the creek for their second dip of the day, relaxing not with a beer but with a coffee! He said everyone enjoyed their day and gearing up for their big day tomorrow when they walk up Maguli Range and head to Menari Village for the night. He said the track is dry so they should make good time compared to the wet.
Update 6th September 2019
Trek 1165: I must have been on the phone talking with my daughter when Pat tried to call me. As a result he called our base Manager Chris Bauba in Port Moresby who relayed a message. “We arrived at Menari at 4pm. Everyone is ok. Tomorrow the plan is to head to Naduri” unquote. So all good as they make their way across the track. Picture them tomorrow with a tough climb up to Brigade Hill. This will be followed by a walk down and through Efogi Village the half way point before continuing on to Naduri.
Update 7th September 2019
Trek 1165: Pat phoned to say they changed their mind today and pulled up at Efogi II as he heard it was a full house at Naduri Village. He is quite impressed with his group of trekkers and said they are all doing well. I believe there is a guy walking who has had a hip replacement, think he said his name was Adam. Apparently he is out the front everyday! He said they stopped on the way and had a swim in one of the creeks before reaching their overnight destination. Keep up the good work guys, its all downhill from here on, lol just kidding!
Update 8th September 2019
Trek 1165: Trekkers are now at an area commonly referred to as ‘Dump 1’. Its been another tough day but according to Pat they continue to do well. In fact well enough that their mind has been on the footy scores. Ivan called initially and I did not know off the top of my head so good old google came to the rescue. I had just finished sending a text re ALL the current scores and even the leader board from 1 – 16 when another call came in from Pat this time asking THE SAME QUESTION!!! lol, so I told him to check his messages on the sat phone but while he was still on the line I again looked up the scores. You probably know already, they were only interested in the ‘Sharks’ and ‘West Tigers’ result. I have no idea who they were barracking for and whether they were hoping for a Sharks or Tigers win but am sure you the family will know. So if they were barracking for the Tigers, picture them right now when they just found out at 5:00pm that the Sharks WON. If they were hoping for a Tigers win, they will all be feeling miserable right about now! Oh dear! Men and their footy!
Update 9th September 2019
Trek 1165: Pat just called a short time ago to say it was a big day but they are all safely now at Isurava Village for the night. Earlier today they stopped at Isurava Memorial for a service around 4pm this afternoon. Everyone is looking forward to walking off the track tomorrow in Kokoda to celebrate their successful trek. A few aches and pains here and there but Pat is 100% confident they will walk through the archway tomorrow.
Update 10th September 2019
Trek 1165: Clement Harika the 2IC on this trek just sent photographs and a message to say they are presently making their way towards Deniki. I have passed on the birthday wishes and he said he will read them out once he sits with the group at Deniki.
The ‘Birthday Boy’ – this was the caption of the photograph I just received from Clement Harika
Trek 1165: Congratulations are in order as trekkers walked off the track a short time ago under the archway in Kokoda and are now relaxing in Kokoda.
Trekkers will now get a chance to rest for the afternoon and evening before returning to Port Moresby tomorrow morning to end the trek.
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